Computer Engineering - Master

The graduate program in Computer Engineering is a four-semesters program. Admission is based on the current admission regulations. After successful completion of the MSc Computer Engineering, students will be awarded the academic degree of 'Master of Science (M.Sc.).

The educational objective of the master program 'Computer Engineering' is to qualify students for a research or development oriented professional career in the field of Computer Engineering as well as for participation in PhD programs.

The students should get a thorough understanding of possible approaches and solutions and should be able to assess their advantages and drawbacks so that they can chose a good solution for a given problem.

Students can choose one of three specializations, which are sub-fields of ‘computer engineering’ ('Application Specific Computing', 'Microelectronics', 'Robotics, Haptics & Biomechanics'). Each specialization consists of a set of modules on an advanced level which cover the field to a large extent.

After having completed the research phase (seminar, student research project, master thesis), students have obtained the ability to do research independently, to document and publish research work. They deepen their knowledge on scientific methods, information engineering, hardware and software, interdisciplinary system thinking, experience in practical applications as well as the communication competence and the ability to work in teams.

Since WiSe 2014/15, the graduate program Computer Engineering is offered in the form of part-time studies
